1. Conferring unfettered powers on the executive, without laying down any criterion or guidelines tantamounts to abdication of its legislative powers. State of T.N. v. K.Shyam Sunder, (2011) 8 SCC 737.
2. Where a magistrate or person in office voluntarily renounces or gives it up. It differs from resignation, in that resignation is made by one who has received his hands; as an inferior into the hands of a soperior. On King james II's leaving this kingdom, and abdicating the crown, the Lords would have had the word 'desertion' made use of, but the Commons thought it was not comprehensive enough, for that the king might then have liberty of returning. This was fully canvassed in the then parliamentary Debates. In voluntary resignations are also termed abdications, as Napoleon's abdication at Fontainebleau. [whart.]