Technology, Redesigning legal practice

2 years ago Trivandrum lawX

Technology is a double-edged sword, for legal professionals having both pros and cons. Legal profession is a very traditional one and that its practitioners are slow to change. Though aviation industry has adopted Artificial Intelligence enabled technology from 1980s and then onwards it has brought a tremendous change in mainly in revenue management, air safety and airplane maintenance, feedback analysis, crew management, fuel optimization, fraud detection, in airport self-service, flight management and autonomous flight in aviation industry. However, on ground the use of AI by our judicial system and legal fraternity was of very recent origin. Though the significance of AI in legal document processing, legal document summarization utilizing text mining techniques and data mining was realized much earlier but its application in the legal industry started very recently.

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There are many legal work which are repetitive in nature. Often, these are time-consuming and monotonous tasks which take the major chunk of lawyer’s working hours. The use of automated AI legal tools can save the lawyer’s time in various areas like email communication, document creation, due diligence, data storage through digital forms, time tracking, and more. Today’s technology enabled services can also help the lawyer in case management, document management, billing and accounting, invoicing and Scheduling etc

A modern tech lawyer is quite familiar with range of legal tools, like HighQ, Kira, LiteraTransact and Docusign. Similary, in-house lawyers uses AI based applications more and law firms are also now using AI to assist in lower-level tasks such as reading documents in due diligence assignments with tools such as Luminance and Kira as well as Chatbots to answer frequently asked questions on websites. Kira software that searches and analyses contract text. It can automatically highlights and extracts important provisions and helps you organize your data for analysis.

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But the majority of the lawyer community who are engaged in courts are still not equipped with the artificial intelligent tools. They are struggling to cope up with the e-Filing system that has been rolled out for the electronic filing of legal papers. Moreover, there are apprehensions that, AI will take away lawyers’ jobs. In addition, some legal tasks may become obsolete. However, AI has also created new employment for lawyers. AI enhances and lends valuable context to the work lawyers do rather than replacing it. It’s a high time for the Indian legal practitioners to embrace and embed legal tech into their ways of working with their teams and their clients.

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