“...Hereto annexed and marked collectively as AnnexureC are copies of the intimation issued by the banker of the Corporate Debtor duly recording the instruction of stop payment qua the cheques in question taking record that the cheques had been lost. It is submitted that the banker of the Corporate Debtor has issued such notices acknowledging stop payment instruction on account of loss of the cheques on 04/03/2017, however inadvertently due to the error in the computers of the banker, the date on the top right shows as 01/01/2018. the Corporate Debtor in the process of obtaining appropriate letter from the banker of the Corporate Debtor to the effect that the error in the date has occurred due to some problem in the computers of the banker, and the Corporate Debtor craves leave to produce copy of the same as and when referred to and relied upon and available with the Corporate Debtor from the banker.”
1(2019) 10 SCC 750
2(2020) 15 SCC 1
3(2019) 11 SCC 633
4(2021) 8 SCC 481
5(2021) 6 SCC 366