12021 SCC OnLine SC 569
“5. The CoC requested PRA to improve their bid amount the PRA refused to do so unless individual score of all disclosed further for increase of the bid amount he has to discuss with BOD of the applicant”
“2. The CoC decided to invite Panna Pragati Infrastructure Pvt. Ltd. for further negotiation. The RP informed that in first round of negotiation the PRA has not revised their bid amount and informed the CoC about the brief details of plan. The PRA also want to know about the basis of score, the RP & CoC informed at this mature stage of CIRP this is not the right time and place to discuss about the evaluation and also informed that the evaluation has been done as per the RFRP, IM & evaluation matrix which has been circulated to all the PRA in due time.
3. The CoC & RP informed the PRA about the anomalies & deficiency in the rectified Resolution Plan submitted by them still persist despite of given them opportunity earlier after the submission of original resolution plan for the rectification. The PRA requested to allow some more time for the rectification and submit revise plan. The casual approach of PRA noted.
4. The CoC requested to improve the bid amount to the PRA, the PRA states that at this stage we will not increase the bid amount”
2(2019) 12 SCC 150
3(2020) 8 SCC 531
4(2020) 11 SCC 467
5(2021) SCC OnLine SC 204
6(2021) 9 SCC 657
“Reference may also be made to the ob servations of Bose, J. in his order of ref erence in Narayan Sonaji v. Sheshrao Vithoba [AIR 1948 Nag 258] wherein it was said that the words “illegally” and “material irregularity” do not cover either errors of fact or law. They do not refer to the decision arrived at but to the manner in which it is reached. The errors con templated relate to material defects of procedure and not to errors of either law or fact after the formalities which the law prescribes have been complied with.”
7(1953) 4 SCR 136
“2. It is the submission of the RP that the CoC in its 5th meeting held on 11.02.2020 concluded on 12.02.2020 declared one Mr. N. Dhar as highest bidder and the said decision of the CoC is under consideration for approval with the higher authority of the CoC and, therefore, prayed for further extension of CIRP period to 90 days with effect from 25.02.2020”