On the occasion of considering whether any financial assistance, legal assistance or other facilities shall be given to a police officer in respect of any legal proceedings or treatment or compensation or in respect of welfare matters connected with the performance of duties and it is to decided whether,-
(a) The action of a police officer was as part of performance of his official duty,
(b) The act happened due to circumstances connected with the lawful performance of official duties by a police officer or as a result of animosity arose from police actions done by that officer or other police officers.
(c) The injury sustained by a police officer happened during the performance of official duties.
(d) The injury or loss sustained to a police officer was as a consequence of the animosity arose by the lawful performance of official duties by the police officer or other police officers.
The State Police Chief or District Police Chief may on an application by the concerned police officer, after conducting a suitable enquiry arrive at a decision in respect of granting financial assistance or legal assistance or other facilities to that police officer.
Provided that the Government may re-examine such decision, if there is sufficient reason to do so, and take an appropriate decision finally.