(1) The District Police Chief may, subject to Government Orders, by order in writing, appoint temporarily any able-bodied and willing person of good character between the age of 18 and 60 years as a Special Police Officer for the purpose of assisting the police in the maintenance of law and order.
(2) Every such special police officer so appointed shall, -
(a) Receive a certificate approved by the Government,
(b) have the same powers and protection and shall be subject to the same administrative and disciplinary controls like an ordinary police officer,
(c) Receive such remuneration as may be ordered by the Government.
(3) Appointment of a person as special police officer shall not be deemed to be an employment either temporary or permanent, in Government and he shall have no preferential claim in future for being selected in the Police Force on this ground.
(4) Special police officers may be appointed only under such special circumstances where a large number of people are urgently required for the maintenance of law and order.
(5) Special police officers so appointed shall be from ex-servicemen, retired police officers or persons having experience in the National Service Scheme, National Cadet Corps, Student Police Cadet or any similar group as may be fixed by Government from time to time.
(6) The service of special police officers may be terminated at any time without any prior notice and without showing any reason or offering any compensation by the District Police Chief.
(7) No special police officer shall e issued with any weapon or entrusted with the investigation of cases and complaints.