Every State Government shall make provision for the sale of translations of this Act in the principal vernacular languages of the territories administered by it at a price not exceeding 1[twenty-five nayepaise] per copy.
Substitution of section 78.—In the principal Act, for section 78, the following shall be substituted, namely,—
“78. Duty or allowance to be rounded off to 78 the next rupee.—If the total amount of duty payable, or of allowance to be made under this Act is not a round figure, the total amount shall be rounded off the next rupee.”
[Vide Assam Act 22 of 2004, s. 5]
Uttar Pradesh
Omission of section 78.— Section 78 of the principal Act shall be omitted.
[Vide Uttar Pradesh Act 22 of 1998, s. 10]
1Subs. by Act 19 of 1958, s. 12, “four annas” (w.e.f. 1-10-1958).