Section 14 of The Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Act, 2010 View Chapter 3

Cancellation of certificate

   (1)  The Central Government may, if it is satisfied after making such inquiry as it may deem fit, by an order, cancel the certificate if—

       (a)  the holder of the certificate has made a statement in, or in relation to, the application for the grant of registration or renewal thereof, which is incorrect or false; or

       (b)  the holder of the certificate has violated any of the terms and conditions of the certificate or renewal thereof; or

       (c)  in the opinion of the Central Government, it is necessary in the public interest to cancel the certificate; or

       (d)  the holder of certificate has violated any of the provisions of this Act or rules or order made thereunder; or

       (e)  if the holder of the certificate has not been engaged in any reasonable activity in its chosen field for the benefit of the society for two consecutive years or has become defunct.

   (2)  No order of cancellation of certificate under this section shall be made unless the person concerned has been given a reasonable opportunity of being heard.

   (3)  Any person whose certificate has been cancelled under this section shall not be eligible for registration or grant of prior permission for a period of three years from the date of cancellation of such certificate.