Section 29 of The Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016. View Chapter 5

Culture and recreation

   The appropriate Government and the local authorities shall take measures to promote and protect the rights of all persons with disabilities to have a cultural life and to participate in recreational activities equally with others which include,—

       (a)  facilities, support and sponsorships to artists and writers with disability to pursue their interests and talents;

       (b)  establishment of a disability history museum which chronicles and interprets the historical experiences of persons with disabilities;

       (c)  making art accessible to persons with disabilities;

       (d)  promoting recreation centres, and other associational activities;

       (e)  facilitating participation in scouting, dancing, art classes, outdoor camps and adventure activities;

       (f)  redesigning courses in cultural and arts subjects to enable participation and access for persons with disabilities;

       (g)  developing technology, assistive devices and equipments to facilitate access and inclusion for persons with disabilities in recreational activities; and

       (h)  ensuring that persons with hearing impairment can have access to television programmes with sign language interpretation or sub-titles.