Section 54 of The Wild Life (Protection) Act, 1972 View Chapter 6

Power to compound offences.

   1[54.  Power to compound offence.-- (1)  The Central Government may, by notification, empower the Director of Wild Life Preservation or any other officer not below the rank of Assistant Director of Wild Life Preservation and in the case of a State Government in the similar manner, empower the Chief Wild Life Warden or any officer of a rank not below the rank of a Deputy Conservator of Forests, to accept from any person against whom a reasonable suspicion exists that he has committed an offence against this Act, payment of a sum of money by way of composition of the offence which such person is suspected to have committed.

   (2)  On payment of such sum of money to such officer, the suspected person, if in custody, shall be discharged and no further proceedings in respect of the offence shall be taken against such person.

   (3)  The officer compounding any offence may order the cancellation of any licence or permit granted under this Act to the offender, or if not empowered to do so, may approach an officer so empowered, for the cancellation of such licence or permit.

   (4)  The sum of money accepted or agreed to be accepted as composition under sub-section (1) shall, in no case, exceed the sum of 2[five lakh rupees]:

   Provided that no offence, for which a minimum period of imprisonment has been prescribed in section 51, shall be compounded.]

1Subs. by s. 32, ibid., for section 54 (w.e.f. 1-4-2003).

2Subs. by Act 18 of 2022, s. 34, for "twenty-five thousand rupees" (w.e.f. 1-4-2023).