Section 49M of The Wild Life (Protection) Act, 1972 View Chapter 5B

Possession transfer and breeding of living scheduled animal species.

   1[49M.  Possession, transfer and breeding of living scheduled animal species. --- (1)  Every person possessing a living specimen of an animal species listed in Schedule IV shall report the details of such specimen or specimens in his possession to the Management Authority or the authorised officer:

   Provided that the Central Government may exempt one or more specimens of any animal species included in Schedule IV from such declaration for such quantity and for such period as it may deem fit.

   (2)  The Management Authority or the authorised officer may, on being satisfied that a person was in possession of a living specimen of an animal species listed in Schedule IV which had not been obtained in contravention of any law relating to protection of fauna and flora, issue a registration certificate allowing the owner to retain such specimen.

   (3)  Any person who transfers possession, by any means whatsoever, of any living specimen of an animal species listed in Schedule IV shall report the details to the Management Authority or the authorised officer.

   (4)  The Management Authority or the authorised officer shall register all transfers of living specimens of animal species listed in Schedule IV and issue the transferee with a registration certificate.

   (5)  Any person in possession of any living specimen of an animal species listed in Schedule IV which bears any offspring shall report the birth of such offspring to the Management Authority or the authorised officer.

   (6)  The Management Authority or the authorised officer shall on receipt of the report under subsection (5) register any offspring born to any living specimen of an animal species listed in Schedule IV and issue the owner with a registration certificate.

   (7)  Any person in possession of any living specimen of an animal species listed in Schedule IV which dies shall report such death to the Management Authority or the authorised officer.

   (8)  No person shall possess, transfer or breed any living specimen of any animal species listed in Schedule IV except in conformity with this section and the rules made by the Central Government in this behalf.

   (9)  The form, manner and period for reporting possession, transfers, and births, deaths, and registration of the same under this section shall be as prescribed by the Central Government.]

1Ins. by Act 18 of 2022, s. 30 (w.e.f. 1-4-2023).