Section 46 of The Wild Life (Protection) Act, 1972 View Chapter 5


   (1)  An appeal from an order refusing to grant or renew a licence under section 44 or an order suspending or cancelling a licence under section 45 shall lie--

       (a)  if the order is made by the authorised officer, to the Chief Wild Life Warden; or

       (b)  if the order is made by the Chief Wild Life Warden, to the State Government.

   (2)  In the case of an order passed in appeal by the Chief Wild Life Warden under clause (a) of sub-section (1), a second appeal shall lie to the State Government.

   (3)  Subject as aforesaid, every order passed in appeal under this section shall be final.

   (4)  An appeal under this section shall be preferred within thirty days from the date of the communication, to the applicant, of the order appealed against:

   Provided that the appellate authority may admit any appeal preferred after the expiry of the period aforesaid if it is satisfied that the appellant had sufficient cause for not preferring the appeal in time.