Section 43 of The Wild Life (Protection) Act, 1972 View Chapter 5

Regulation of transfer of animal, etc.

   1[43.  Regulation of transfer of animal, etc.-- (1)  No person having in his possession captive animal, animal article, trophy or uncured trophy in respect of which he has a certificate of ownership shall transfer by way of sale or offer for sale or by any other mode of consideration of commercial nature, such animal or article or trophy or uncured trophy.

   (2)  Where a person transfers or transports from the State in which he resides to another State or acquires by transfer from outside the State, any such animal, animal article, trophy or uncured trophy in respect of which he has a certificate of ownership, he shall, within thirty days of the transfer or transport, report the transfer or transport to the Chief Wild Life Warden or the authorised officer within whose jurisdiction the transfer or transport is effected.

   2[Provided that the transfer or transport of a captive elephant for a religious or any other purpose by a person having a valid certificate of ownership shall be subject to such terms and conditions as may be prescribed by the Central Government.]

   (3)  Nothing in this section shall apply--

       (a)  to tail feather of peacock and the animal article or trophies made therefrom;

       (b)  to transfer of captive animals between recognised zoos subject to the provisions of section 38-I, and transfer amongst zoos and public museums.]

1Subs. by Act 16 of 2003, s. 28, for section 43 (w.e.f. 1-4-2003).

2Ins. by Act 18 of 2022, s. 27 (w.e.f. 1-4-2023).