Section 38X of The Wild Life (Protection) Act, 1972 View Chapter 4 B

Establishment of Tiger Conservation Foundation.

   1[38X.  Establishment of Tiger Conservation Foundation.--(1)  The State Government shall establish a Tiger Conservation Foundation for tiger reserves within the State in order to facilitate and support their management for conservation of tiger and biodiversity and, to take initiatives in eco-development by involvement of people in such development process.

   (2)  The Tiger Conservation Foundation shall, inter alia, have the following objectives:--

       (a)  to facilitate ecological, economic, social and cultural development in the tiger reserves;

       (b)  to promote eco-tourism with the involvement of local stake-holder communities and provide support to safeguard the natural environment in the tiger reserves;

       (c)  to facilitate the creation of, and or maintenance of, such assets as may be necessary for fulfilling the above said objectives;

       (d)  to solicit technical, financial, social, legal and other support required for the activities of the Foundation for achieving the above said objectives;

       (e)  to augment and mobilise financial resources including recycling of entry and such other fees received in a tiger reserve, to foster stake-holder development and eco-tourism;

       (f)  to support research, environmental education and training in the above related fields.]

1Ins. by Act 39 of 2006, s. 2 (w.e.f. 4-9-2006).