Section 38U of The Wild Life (Protection) Act, 1972 View Chapter 4 B

Constitution of Steering Committee.

   1[38U.  Constitution of Steering Committee.-- (1)  The State Government may constitute a Steering Committee for ensuring co-ordination, monitoring, protection and conservation of tiger, co-predators and prey animals within the tiger range States.

   (2)  The Steering Committee shall consists of--

       (a)  the Chief Minister ---Chairperson;

       (b)  the Minister in-charge of Wild Life ---Vice-Chairperson;

       (c)  such number of official members not exceeding five including at least two Field Directors of tiger reserve or Director of National Park and one from the State Government's Departments dealing with tribal affairs;

       (d)  three experts or professionals having qualifications and experience in conservation of wild life of which at least one shall be from the field of tribal development,

       (e)  two members from the State's Tribal Advisory Council;

       (f)  one representative each from State Government's Departments dealing with Panchayati Raj and Social Justice and Empowerment;

       (g)  Chief Wild Life Warden of the State shall be the Member-Secretary, ex officio,

to be notified by the State Government, in the Official Gazette.

1Ins. by Act 39 of 2006, s. 2 (w.e.f. 4-9-2006).