Section 18A of The Wild Life (Protection) Act, 1972 View Chapter 4

Protection to sanctuaries

   1[18A.  Protection to sanctuaries.-- (1)  When the State Government declares its intention under sub-section (1) of section 18 to constitute any area, not comprised within any reserve forest or territorial waters under that sub-section, as a sanctuary, the provisions of sections 27 to 33A (both inclusive) shall come into effect forthwith.

   (2)  Till such time as the rights of affected persons are finally settled under sections 19 to 24 (both inclusive), the State Government shall make alternative arrangements required for making available fuel, fodder and other forest produce to the persons affected, in terms of their rights as per the Government records.]

1Ins. by Act 16 of 2003, s. 11 (w.e.f. 1-4-2003).