Section 5A of The Wild Life (Protection) Act, 1972 View Chapter 2

Constitution of the National Board for Wild Life.

   1[5A.  Constitution of the National Board for Wild Life.-- (1)  The Central Government shall, within three months from the date of commencement of the Wild Life (Protection) Amendment Act, 2002 (16 of 2003), constitute the National Board for Wild Lifeconsisting of the following members, namely:--

       (a)  the Prime Minister as Chairperson;

       (b)  the Minister in-charge of Forests and Wild Life as Vice-Chairperson;

       (c)  three members of Parliament of whom two shall be from the House of the People and one from the Council of States;

       2[(d)  Member, NITI Aayog in-charge of Environment, Forest and Climate Change;]

       (e)  five persons to represent non-governmental organizations to be nominated by the Central Government;

       (f)  ten persons to be nominated by the Central Government from amongst eminent conservationists, ecologists and environmentalists;

       (g)  the Secretary to the Government of India in-charge of the Ministry or Department of the Central Government dealing with Forests and Wild Life;

       (h)  the Chief of the Army Staff;

       (i)  the Secretary to the Government of India in-charge of the Ministry of Defence;

       (j)  the Secretary to the Government of India in-charge of the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting;

       (k)  the Secretary to the Government of India in-charge of the Department of Expenditure, Ministry of Finance;

       (l)  the Secretary to the Government of India, Ministry of Tribal Welfare;

       (m)  the Director-General of Forests in the Ministry or Department of the Central Government dealing with Forests and Wild Life;

       (n)  the Director-General of Tourism, Government of India;

       (o)  the Director-General, Indian Council for Forestry Research and Education, Dehradun;

       (p)  the Director, Wild Life Institute of India, Dehradun;

       (q)  the Director, Zoological Survey of India;

       (r)  the Director, Botanical Survey of India;

       (s)  the Director, Indian Veterinary Research Institute;

       (t)  the Member-Secretary, Central Zoo Authority;

       (u)  the Director, National Institute of Oceanography;

       (v)  one representative each from ten States and Union territories by rotation, to be nominated by the Central Government;

       (w)  the Director of Wild Life Preservation who shall be the Member-Secretary of the National Board.

   (2)  The term of office of the members other than those who are members ex officio, the manner of filling vacancies referred to in clauses (e), (f) and (v) of sub-section (1), and the procedure to be followed in the discharge of their functions by the members of the National Board shall be such, as may be prescribed.

   (3)  The members (except members ex officio) shall be entitled to receive such allowances in respect of expenses incurred in the performance of their duties as may be prescribed.

   (4)  Notwithstanding anything contained in any other law for the time being in force, the office of a member of the National Board shall not be deemed to be an office of profit.]

1Ins. by Act 16 of 2003, s. 6 (w.e.f. 1-4-2003).

2Subs. by Act 18 of 2022, s. 4, for clause (d) (w.e.f. 1-4-2023).