Section 32 of The Telecommunications Act, 2023. View Chapter 8

Breach of terms and conditions of authorisation or assignment

   (1)  In case of breach of any of the terms and conditions of authorisation or assignment granted under this Act, the Adjudicating Officer shall, pursuant to an inquiry under the provisions of this Chapter—

       (a)  pass an order in writing in respect of one or both of the following, namely: —

         (i)  direct such authorised entity, or assignee to do or abstain from doing any act or thing to prevent such breach or for such compliance;

         (ii)  impose civil penalties as specified in the Second Schedule; and

       (b)  make recommendations for the consideration of the Central Government regarding suspension, revocation, or curtailment of the duration of the authorisation or assignment.

   (2)  The Central Government may, after due consideration of the recommendations of the Adjudicating Officer under clause (b) of sub-section (1), suspend, curtail or revoke the authorisation or assignment, as the case may be, which may be reversed if the substantial violation is remedied to the satisfaction of the Central Government.

   (3)  While imposing penalties specified in the Second Schedule under this section and section 33, the Adjudicating Officer shall have due regard to the following factors, namely:—

       (a)  nature, gravity and duration of the contravention, taking into account the scope of the contravention;

       (b)  number of persons affected by such contravention, and the level of harm suffered by them;

       (c)  intentional or negligent character of the contravention;

       (d)  repetitive nature of the contravention;

       (e)  action taken by the concerned person to mitigate the contravention, including by providing a voluntary undertaking under sub-section (1) or sub-section (2) of section 34;

       (f)  revenue loss caused to the Central Government;

       (g)  any aggravating factors relevant to the circumstances of the case, such as the amount of disproportionate gain or unfair advantage, wherever quantifiable, made as a result of the contravention; and

       (h)  any mitigating factors relevant to the circumstances of the case, such as the timely rectification of the contravention, or steps taken for the avoidance of loss as a result of the contravention.