Section 3 of The Telecommunications Act, 2023. View Chapter 2


   (1)  Any person intending to—

       (a)  provide telecommunication services;

       (b)  establish, operate, maintain or expand telecommunication network; or

       (c)  possess radio equipment,

    shall obtain an authorisation from the Central Government, subject to such terms and conditions, including fees or charges, as may be prescribed.

   (2)  The Central Government may while making rules under sub-section (1) provide for different terms and conditions of authorisation for different types of telecommunication services, telecommunication network or radio equipment.

   (3)  The Central Government, if it determines that it is necessary in the public interest so to do, may provide exemption from the requirement of authorisation under sub-section (1), in such manner as may be prescribed.

   (4)  Any exemption granted prior to the appointed day under the Indian Telegraph Act, 1885 (13 of 1885) or the Indian Wireless Telegraphy Act, 1933 (17 of 1933) shall continue under this Act, unless otherwise notified by the Central Government.

   (5)  Any authorised entity may undertake any merger, demerger or acquisition, or other forms of restructuring, subject to any law for the time being in force and any authorised entity that emerges pursuant to such process, shall comply with the terms and conditions, including fees and charges, applicable to the original authorised entity, and such other terms and conditions, as may be prescribed.

   (6)  A licence, registration, permission, by whatever name called, granted prior to the appointed day under the Indian Telegraph Act, 1885 (13 of 1885) or the Indian Wireless Telegraphy Act, 1933 (17 of 1933), in respect of provision of telecommunication services or telecommunication network—

       (a)  where a definite validity period is given, shall be entitled to continue to operate under the terms and conditions and for the duration as specified under such licence or registration or permission, or to migrate to such terms and conditions of the relevant authorisation, as may be prescribed; or

       (b)  where a definite validity period is not given, shall be entitled to continue to operate on the terms and conditions of such licence or registration or permission for a period of five years from the appointed day, or to migrate to such terms and conditions of the relevant authorisation, as may be prescribed.

   (7)  Any authorised entity which provides such telecommunication services as may be notified by the Central Government, shall identify the person to whom it provides telecommunication services through use of any verifiable biometric based identification as may be prescribed.

   (8)  The Central Government may, subject to such terms and conditions, including fees or charges as may be prescribed, allot telecommunication identifiers for use by authorised entities.

   (9)  The Central Government may allow use of telecommunication identifiers allotted by international bodies which are recognised by the Central Government from time to time.