Section 32 of The Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974 View Chapter 5

Emergency measures in case of pollution of stream or well.

   (1)  Where it appears to the State Board that any poisonous, noxious or polluting matter is present in 1[any stream or well or on land by reason of the discharge of such matter in such stream or well or on such land] or has entered into that stream or well due to any accident or other unforeseen act or event, and if the Board is of opinion that it is necessary or expedient to take immediate action, it may for reasons to be recorded in writing, carry out such operations as it may consider necessary for all or any of the following purposes, that is to say,--

       (a)  removing that matter from the 2[stream or well or on land] and disposing it of in such manner as the Board considers appropriate;

       (b)  remedying or mitigating any pollution caused by its presence in the stream or well;

       (c)  issuing orders immediately restraining or prohibiting the person concerned from discharging any poisonous, noxious or polluting matter 3[into the stream or well or on land], or from making insanitary use of the stream or well.

   (2)  The power conferred by sub-section (1) does not include the power to construct any works other than works of a temporary character which are removed on or before the completion of the operations.

1Subs. by Act 53 of 1988, s. 16, for "any stream or well" (w.e.f. 29-9-1988).

2Subs. by s. 16, ibid., for "stream or well" (w.e.f. 29-9-1988).

3Subs. by s. 16, ibid., for "into the stream or well" (w.e.f. 29-9-1988).