Section 27 of The Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974 View Chapter 5

Refusal or withdrawal of consent by State Board.

   1[(1)  A State Board shall not grant its consent under sub-section (4) of section 25 for the establishment of any industry, operation or process, or treatment and disposal system or extension or addition thereto, or to the bringing into use of a new or altered outlet unless the industry, operation or process, or treatment and disposal system or extension or addition thereto, or the outlet is so established as to comply with any conditions imposed by the Board to enable it to exercise its right to take samples of the effluent.]

   2[(2)  A State Board may from time to time review--

       3[(a)  any condition imposed under section 25 or section 26 and may serve on the person to whom a consent under section 25 or section 26 is granted a notice making any reasonable variation of or revoking any such condition;]

       (b)  the refusal of any consent referred to in sub-section (1) of section 25 or section 26 or the grant of such consent without any condition, and may make such orders as it deemed fit.]

   (3)  Any condition imposed under section 25 or section 26 shall be subject to any variation made under sub-section (2) and shall continue in force until revoked under that sub-section.

1Subs. by Act 53 of 1988, s. 13, for sub-section (1) (w.e.f. 29-9-1988).

2Subs. by Act 44 of 1978, s. 14, for sub-section (2) (w.e.f. 12-12-1978).

3Subs. by Act 53 of 1988, s. 13, for clause (a) (w.e.f. 29-9-1988).