Section 28 of The Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1981 View Chapter 4

State Air Laboratory.

   (1)  The State Government may, by notification in the Official Gazette,--

       (a)  establish one or more State Air Laboratories; or

       (b)  specify one or more laboratories or institutes as State Air Laboratories to carry out the functions entrusted to the State Air Laboratory under this Act.

   (2)  The State Government may, after consultation with the State Board, make rules prescribing--

       (a)  the functions of the State Air Laboratory;

       (b)  the procedure for the submission to the said Laboratory of samples of air or emission for analysis or tests, the form of the Laboratory's report thereon and the fees payable in respect of such report;

       (c)  such other matters as may be necessary or expedient to enable that Laboratory to carry out its functions.