Section 65 of The Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act, 2015. View Chapter 8

Specialised Adoption Agencies.

   (1)  The State Government shall recognise one or more institutions or organisations in each district as a Specialised Adoption Agency, in such manner as may be provided in the adoption regulations framed by the Authority, for the rehabilitation of orphan, abandoned or surrendered children, through adoption and non-institutional care.

   (2)  The State Agency shall furnish the name, address and contact details of the Specialised Adoption Agencies along with copies of certificate or letter of recognition or renewal to Authority, as soon as the recognition or renewal is granted to such agencies.

   (3)  The State Government shall get every Specialised Adoption Agency inspected at least once in a year and take necessary remedial measures, if required.

   (4)  In case any Specialised Adoption Agency is in default in taking necessary steps on its part as provided in this Act or in the adoption regulations framed by the Authority, for getting an orphan or abandoned or surrendered child legally free for adoption from the Committee or in completing the home study report of the prospective adoptive parents or in obtaining adoption order from the 1[District Magistrate] within the stipulated time, such Specialised Adoption Agency shall be punishable with a fine which may extend up to fifty thousand rupees and in case of repeated default, the recognition of the Specialised Adoption Agency shall be withdrawn by the State Government.

1Subs. by Act 23 of 2021, s. 24, for "court" (w.e.f. 1-9-2022).