Chapter 20 of The Companies Act, 2013 (Act No. 18) View all Acts

PART I.—Winding up by the Tribunal
20 (XX)

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The Companies Act, 2013
The Companies Act, 2013
An Act to consolidate and amend the law relating to companies.
Ministry of Corporate Affairs

Sections from Chapter 20 of The Companies Act, 2013 (Act No. 18)

271 - Circumstances in which company may be wound up by Tribunal.
272 - Petition for winding up.
273 - Powers of Tribunal.
274 - Directions for filing statement of affairs
275 - Company Liquidators and their appointments
276 - Removal and replacement of liquidator
277 - Intimation to Company Liquidator, provisional liquidator and Registrar
278 - Effect of winding up order.
279 - Stay of suits, etc., on winding up order.
280 - Jurisdiction of Tribunal.
281 - Submission of report by Company Liquidator
282 - Directions of Tribunal on report of Company Liquidator.
283 - Custody of company‘s properties
284 - Promoters, directors, etc., to cooperate with Company Liquidator.
285 - Settlement of list of contributories and application of assets.
286 - Obligations of directors and managers.
287 - Advisory Committee.
288 - Submission of periodical reports to Tribunal.
289 - Power of Tribunal on application for stay of winding up.
290 - Powers and duties of Company Liquidator.
291 - Provision for professional assistance to Company Liquidator
292 - Exercise and control of Company Liquidator‘s powers.
293 - Books to be kept by Company Liquidator
294 - Audit of Company Liquidator‘s accounts.
295 - Payment of debts by contributory and extent of set-off.
296 - Power of Tribunal to make calls.
297 - Adjustment of rights of contributories.
298 - Power to order costs.
299 - Power to summon persons suspected of having property of company, etc.
300 - Power to order examination of promoters, directors, etc.
301 - Arrest of person trying to leave India or abscond.
302 - Dissolution of company by Tribunal.
303 - Appeals from orders made before commencement of Act.